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Transcript Courses

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2848 vs 8821 & How to FOIA Your CAF

Course Length: 1 Hour
Instructor: Angelene Wierzbic, EA, CTRS

When you start a new representation case you’re faced with a decision – Do you file an 8821 or a 2848? Both are essential tools and it’s critical to know when to use them, how to file them, and how the CAF Unit (Centralized Authorization File) processes each of them.

Once you’ve finished with an engagement it’s crucial to follow the proper case closing procedure for withdrawing your 2848s and 8821s. Failing to do so can leave you open to a potential liability in the future.

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Reading and Reviewing IRS Transcripts

Course Length: 1 Hour
Instructor: Angelene Wierzbic, EA, CTRS

IRS Transcripts provide practitioners with records and insights into actions made by the IRS and your client. They offer us with information about past, present and even future actions on a taxpayer’s account. Understanding how to read and review them is critical during the resolution process and can even be utilized for return preparation as well. Besides gaining a knowledge of the transcripts themselves and how to obtain them, we will be taking time to review copies of actual transcripts to get hands on understanding and practice pointers on how to analyze them.

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IRS Statutes Of Limitation Dates: ASED, RSED, & CSED

Course Length: 2 Hours
Instructor: Roger Nemeth, EA, CTRS, NTPI Fellow

The three Statutes are Assessment (ASED), Refund (RSED), and Collection (CSED). The Statutes are very confusing and it is critical to understand the certain events can extend them. These events are referred to as tolling events and can complicate the Statute Calculations. The presentation will cover calculating Statutes and contesting them with the IRS. The focus of this presentation is on the individual account, but some business rules will be covered as well.

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How To Read And Interpret IRS Transcripts Like A Pro

Course Length: 2 Hours
Instructor: Roger Nemeth, EA, CTRS, NTPI Fellow

So let’s say you just retained a new client. That means you’re about to start the first phase of your representation: the investigation. In most cases the first step in the investigation phase is to pull and analyse transcripts. This two hour course, taught by one of the most knowledgeable transcript experts in the country, will show you: How to obtain and interpret IRS Transcripts
Understanding your clients current and complete status with the IRS Best practices including identifying refund opportunities, First Time Penalty Abatements, identifing IRS exams and CP2000s months before the letter is sent
and much more

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Download Taxpayer's IRS Transcripts Instantly Without a 2848/8821

Course Length: 1 Hour
Instructor: Roger Nemeth, EA, CTRS, NTPI Fellow

Have you ever had a situation where you needed to get transcripts immediately? A POA should post within 48 hours, but we know in practice you often have to wait days or even weeks until you can pull transcripts and get started on a case. The IRS’ Get Transcript system allows taxpayers to download transcripts instantly after they create a verified IRS Online Account, but just like most IRS systems it can often be difficult to use and explain to a client. This class will cover the best practices to assist your clients in signing up for this process.

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IRS Redacted Transcripts

Course Length: 1 Hour
Instructor: Bill Nemeth, EA, CTRS, NTPI Fellow

In this training webinar we are going to cover a hot topic that is causing quite a bit of frustration in our community – Redacted Transcripts! Join us for an hour as we discuss what happened and what’s still left to come. We’ll cover how to properly pull transcripts and of course best practices from seasoned professionals.

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How To Submit 2848/8821 Forms Successfully 95% Of The Time

Course Length: 1 Hour
Instructor: Roger Nemeth, EA, CTRS, NTPI Fellow

This class will cover best practices for submitting IRS Forms 2848/8821. Getting these forms processed at the IRS CAF Unit level can be a challenge. This class will cover the best practices for completing the forms, getting signatures, submitting to the IRS, and the CAF process. As a bonus we will also offer a preview of the future IRS online 2848/8821 process.

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How To Verify IRS CSED Tolling Events

Course Length: 2 Hours
Instructor: Roger Nemeth, EA, CTRS, NTPI Fellow

This is the second part in the Statutes of Limitations Webinar series. Please watch IRS Statute Of Limitations Presentation first. This class will cover how to verify CSED tolling start and end dates as well as if the event should qualify as tolling. Most tolling events are entered manually by IRS personnel and are either manipulated by them to extend the CSED or entered incorrectly causing miscalculations of the CSED. Once an inaccurate tolling event is discovered the options and strategies to address these issues will be covered in depth. This class will cover how to use these IRS strategies to your advantage during negotiations and appeals.

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