Intro to Tax Resolution
There are a lot of benefits to getting started in Tax Resolution. Most practitioners are initially attracted to the high, year round, fees associated with tax problem cases ($3,000 – $5,000 on average). Most stick around because they like that tax resolution work is challenging. Almost every case is different and you get a real satisfaction from solving the case and removing the giant weight off your client’s shoulders.
So if you’re not afraid of a good challenge, and are ready to put in the work, let’s talk about how to learn this new skill.
Our Intro to Tax Resolution Course was designed to help beginners build a foundation in this profitable niche. You will learn about the IRS personnel, the settlement programs, analyzing cases, and of course there will be a few war stories.
The big benefit of this course is that it is recorded. You are able to watch it as many times as you want over the course of 12 months. This is different than our Tax Resolution Accelerator which is a live seminar. If you were wondering what the difference between the two classes were – simply put it is the amount of time we spend on each topic. The Boot Camp is 24 hours vs the Intro Course being 6.
More is not always better though. Practitioners who first went through the intro course before the Boot Camp quite often tell us they were able to get so much more out of it since they had a basic understanding of the material. If you are brand new the intro course might be a perfect fit for you!
Example Case with Fees
Let’s say a client comes to you and tells you that they haven’t filed Tax Returns for the last 3 years and the IRS says they owe $45,000. ASTPS always recommends billing in 2 phases. Phase 1 being the investigation & compliance and Phase 2 is the resolution.
Phase 1 Example:
Power of Attorney – $100
Pull Transcripts (3 Years) – $300
Tax Returns (3 Years) – 1,050
Evaluation of Alternatives – $1,325
Total for Phase 1: $2,775
Your financial analysis reveals the client has recently started a good paying job and is able to pay the amount due so you are going to get them into an installment agreement. As they do not have an RO on their case you will have to call ACS to to set up the IA.
Phase 2 Example:
Installment Agreement – ACS under $50,000 liability – $1,200
Total Fee for Case: $3,975

IRS Personnel & Access to Information – 70 min
After attending this training you will have a clear understanding of the job functions of Revenue Officers, Revenue Agents, and Offer Examiners. You will know how to access your client’s information from the IRS, and know how and when to use form 2848 and form 8821
Intro to Tax Resolution Outline
1. IRS Personnel & Access to Information
2. CNC, Non-Filer Issues, & Bankruptcy Support
3. IRS Collection Notices, Statutes of Limitations, & Liens, Levies and Releases
4. Financial Analysis (Equity Component)
5. Financial Analysis (Income Component)
6. Offers in Compromise
7. OIC Tips & Techniques
8. Installment Agreements & Penalty Abatement
9. Employment Tax Issues
10. Innocent Spouse Relief & Injured Spouse
11. Audit Representation, Appeals, & Hearings
12. Analysis of an IRS Problem

“What Am I Going to Learn?”
There are a couple of inexpensive books and software products that make dealing with the IRS easier. We will tell you about those that are worth your time and provide you with discounts on most of them. (Module 1)
You may have some experience dealing with audits of your client’s tax returns. If you do, you need to know what secrets the IRS is keeping that can bite you if you go to your client’s audit. There’s more to consider than just saving the client from the stress and inconvenience of dealing with the IRS on their own. (Module 11)
When it comes to those client questions that I mentioned earlier, do you know:
- The one thing you can do for nearly every troubled taxpayer? (Module 8),
- The IRS has more ways of charging penalties than ants at a picnic and that here are several ways to remove or reduce them? (Module 8),
- If a taxpayer is stuck with a tax bill that belongs to their spouse or ex-spouse, 4 ways you can right this wrong? (Module 10),
- Where and how to find answers to your client’s questions. (Module 1),
- That contrary to what many believe, taxpayers meeting 3 simple tests may, with exceptions, have their taxes discharged in bankruptcy? (Module 2),
- What to do when your taxpayer can’t pay anything? (Module 2),
- What to do when your new client hasn’t filed in years? And, how many years must be filed for the IRS to consider him compliant? (Module 2),
- The financial analysis steps to determine a taxpayer’s options? (Modules 3 & 4)
- Representing troubled taxpayers means dealing with IRS personnel. There are 8 specific jobs in the IRS that you must understand. (Module 1)
The law provides limits on how long the IRS may pursue a taxpayer and how long the IRS even has to assess taxes. Knowing these basic rules can end a taxpayer’s problems quickly and easily. You will find those rules in Module 3. Often using just a few planning tips and techniques in preparation of an Offer in Compromise can convert an unworkable offer to a life-changing solution for your client. Examples of these are found in Module 7.
Once the IRS says, “No.” you’re stuck, right? Not so. There are appeal rights that I will explain in Module 11 that can give you the opportunity to win your case. Don’t worry, it’s something that you can do with no stress or anxiety.
Every tax practitioner knows that each year IRS issues millions of notices to taxpayers. In Module 3 we will show you which notices are the most serious and the amount of time you have to act before a taxpayer loses his rights.
Besides tons of notices and penalties IRS uses liens and levies to force taxpayers into submission. In Module 3 we’ll tell you what tools are available to help your client. This alone is worth the time and modest investment in the course and will give you a great return on investment.
And of course we will cover much much more…
Order now for only $497!
The program consists of 12 – 30 minute modules totaling just over 8 hours of content.
When you purchase the course you will get immediate online access through the ASTPS website. You will be able to download the slides and sample forms directly from the website so you can get started immediately!
You will have access to the course for 12 months starting from the time of purchase. You will receive notifications as you get closer to the expiration date with an option to extend access if you’d like to.
Special Bonuses valued at $200:
- Access to Larry Lawler’s “Tree of Wealth” training where you will learn how to confidently quote fees! ($100 Value)
- Access to What Tax Problem Solvers can Expect from the Post-Pandemic IRS presented by IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig ($100 Value)
30 Day – 100% Money Back Guarantee – Inform us within 30 days if the course is not for you, for a full refund.
Course presented by:
Larry Lawler, CPA, EA, CTRS, NTPI Fellow
Larry is the National Director of the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers (ASTPS). Larry has represented literally thousands of taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service and is a frequent public speaker, a writer on professional topics, and a regular trainer of tax professionals nationwide. He is a dynamic and knowledgeable speaker who offers a mix of information, personality and humor in his presentations and interviews. His audiences enjoy him as much as he enjoys speaking. He has become nationally recognized for his skills in solving tax problems, his marketing expertise, and exceptional practice management abilities. He has been a New York Certified Public Accountant since 1973. He is also a fellow of the National Tax Practice Institute. Larry is the managing partner of Lawler & Witkowski, CPAs, PC, the firm he established in 1973.